It is hereby informed to all the students of cse/it/eee/etc & mca of ceb, kisd & k...
Slnoregistration noname11001219132jyotsna sinha21001219110arpit kumar sahu31001219119dee...
It is hereby strictly informed to all the cse/ it & mca final year students that a cmm...
It is hereby informed to all the shortlisted students (kindly see your name in the list) t...
It is hereby informed to all the eligible students of ceb, that the infosys campus recruit...
It is to inform all the registered infosys-eligible students that those who are unable to ...
It is informed to all the eligible students for the infosys & exilant drives...
It is hereby informed to all the students (those who are having less than 60% in their aca...
Office of the directorcollege of engineering bhubaneswar ref:ceb/exam/157/13 &...
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