As notified by bput, the last date for even semester registration is 12th march. hence all...
It is notified for the information of all the students of d.pharm that, they have to clear...
With reference to osbp notice vide:-9281, dated: 24-01-2024, it is notified for the inform...
All the students 2nd year are here by infomed that, classes of 3rd semest...
This is to notify that all boarders of koustuv residency are advised to pay their hostel f...
It is notified for the information of all the students of b.pharm that, they have to clear...
It is to inform all the faculty members of krims, that as per the pci notice ref no.1456/2...
The 1st internal examination of mba 1st year 1st semester (coeb) students will be held as ...
All the concerned students (3rd semester mba & 4th trimester pgdm 2022-24 batch) are h...
With reference to bput notification no. bput/iv/exam/906/23/5863 dt. 08.11.2023, it is not...
With reference to bput notification no. bput/iv/exam/906/23/5863 dt. 08.11.2023, it is not...
As per bput reference notification no. bput/iv/exam/906/23/5533 dt. 19.10.2023, it is noti...
With reference to bput notice vide: 935, dtd: 04-10-2023, it is notified for the informati...
As per bput academic calendar, it is notified for the information of all the 3rd semester ...
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